Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Look at Using Natural Treatments for Your Acne

By Dorothy Villareal

If you are one of the many people who are afflicted with acne, you may be happy to learn that there are many natural remedies that can be just as effective as prescription drugs or other OTC chemical compounds. The only thing you can do is start trying different remedies to find out which one clears up your acne. It will be necessary for your to use the different treatments long enough to find one that does a good job on your acne. The main purpose of this report is to share with you some successful treatments other people have found worked for their acne.

If you'll look back into history, you will see that many peoples around the globe have relied on plants for healing and maintaining health, and have been doing so for centuries. One common household product that can be very successful in treating acne is Aloe Vera. Many products today use aloe vera as one of their main skin care ingredients. It's easy to cut off part of a leaf, open it up, and apply the soothing gel to your skin. It's easy to cut off part of a leaf, open it up, and apply the soothing gel to your skin. Bottles of Aloe Vera Gel is easy to find at stores such as WalMart, pharmacies, and health food stores so you can use it on your skin. Besides the gel, which you can apply topically, you can also drink aloe vera juice or take pills of aloe vera extract. Either one of these will be very useful in rebalancing your hormones so your acne will clear up. If you begin taking aloe vera, you will soon notice that other physical problems start to improve because aloe vera is one of those plants that has many uses. Your digestion, for example, should be better.

Often times, when women are going through menopause, they may tend to have acne eruptions; when this happens you can try a Chinese herb call dong quai. This specific Chinese herb has aided women for thousands of years.

When you are looking for an herb that can aid in reducing acne, this is a good one; chocked full of vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients. An additional herb that is also useful in the prevention of acne, and is also found in Chinese medicine is the licorice root. In order to avoid any ill effects from the licorice root, you only need to follow the recommended daily dosage; otherwise it can be of help to these issues.

A lot of acne sufferers have noticed that their acne is more pronounced when they have been under stress. Since a hormonal imbalance can lead to acne, and stress causes your hormones to become out of balance, it's easy to see why stress can lead to acne. Even though your particular case of acne may not be stress related, stress and anxiety can easily aggravate your acne. It's sad to say, but a fact of life, that your case of acne can also make you stress. You need to make an effort to stay relaxed and as stress-free as possible. Having acne can seriously impact your life but remember, it isn't a major health issue and you can get rid of it once you've found the right treatment. When you start getting stressed out about your acne, practice some relaxation techniques. Don't let the stress overtake you. Your acne will clear up sooner if you keep your stress under control. It's true that sometimes acne is severe enough that it will merit a visit to the doctor but most of the time the remedies that you can buy over the counter or make from natural remedies are sufficient. When you've got acne, it is in your best interests to pay attention to everything that could have an impact on your skin because anything, from what you are eating, to what you are putting on your face, could really irritate the problem. Use some of these natural acne remedies and see if any of them might be the treatment that will work best for you. If you found that none of these treatments are working, Hydroxatone is the answer to your problem.

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pregnancy acne treatment tips , Adult acne treatment tips , hormonal acne treatment , Acne products information , Oily skin care tips 2012

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